

Are you ready for AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a key driver of innovation and efficiency in today's rapidly evolving tech landscape. Businesses must first achieve AI readiness to harness its full potential. To be ready one needs a To be ready one needs a strategic alignment of technical capabilities, data quality, and organisational preparedness. This is to ensure an effective integration of AI tools, maximising return on investment and fostering growth.

A spectrum of The Power of AI

AI offers a spectrum of capabilities, from automating tasks to enhancing data analysis and facilitating smarter decision-making. Within the Salesforce ecosystem, there are two primary types of AI:

  • Generative AI: The current buzzword, used for content creation, text summarisation, creative arts, and language translation.
  • Predictive AI: Focuses on forecasting and recommendations, with tools like Salesforce’s Next-Best Action and Einstein Discovery aiding sales predictions and marketing performance assessments.

Integration challenges

Businesses need to consider the pros and cons of integrating third-party AI tools. They need to be aware that combining different AI systems may carry its complexities and challenges. Quality data, clear use cases, and a company’s readiness for AI are necessary to make these integrations seamless.

Aspects of AI readiness

There are two main aspects of AI readiness: technical and people-related. On the technical side, businesses must ensure high-quality, well-maintained data and consider the complexity of integrating various data systems. Strategic planning, training, and cultural readiness are crucial in the people-related one. Businesses must align AI solutions with business processes to drive return on investment (ROI).

Strategic AI implementation

It is easy to become overwhelmed by the myriad AI tools available. By matching the right tool to a well-defined use case, companies can enhance their chances of success. Assessing the problem, challenge, or roadblock at hand and strategically planning the AI implementation to address it effectively, is one of the most important steps when considering AI.

Learn more about AI readiness

Check out our AI Readiness episode in Fluido Moments podcast.  Alexandra Petrova (Fluido’s Marketing Manager for the UK and Ireland), Boris Naumov (Finland’s Data Analytics Team Lead), and Janne Warpenius (Analytics Practice Lead) discuss the fascinating world of AI and AI Readiness.

All episodes can be found on Fluido’s website,

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