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Free ebook: The Future in Manufacturing is AI

Modern and Personalised CX for Manufacturing: Get Your copy of our free ebook on how AI can help manufacturers with using GPT, AI, and Data Clouds to accelerate customer and partner relationships.


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Sustainability in manufacturing

The future goal is sustainable digitalisation to meet growing industry expectations. Together with our customers, we aim to be at the forefront of this Industry 5.0 transition.

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Free ebook: Addressing the Cooling Economy in Manufacturing

The purpose of this ebook is to help manufacturing companies relate to macroeconomic trends and develop an informed strategy for how to respond.


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Manufacturing — Building a digital future together

Manufacturers’ future viability depends on learning to think and act like digital natives. As the speed of digital change increases, there is a need for new, more agile strategies.

Manufacturing is one of Fluido’s leading areas of expertise, and our long-term commitment to our customers has given us insight into how the manufacturing industry works.

Fluido knows how to unlock the twin transition capabilities, sustainable digitalisation and sustainability through digitalisation are at our core.

Connect with a superhero

Ilkka Donoghue

Manufacturing Practice Lead